Patent Defenses:
A Legal Research Tool

Patent Defenses is a unique legal research tool for businesses and individuals to find information about possible defenses to patent infringement claims under U.S. law.

This can be used to search Patent Defenses for a keyword or phrase. For example, search “double patenting,” “exhaustion,” or “Princo” (or other case name).

3 Ways to Use Patent Defenses

  1. Search for a specific term or keyword. The search box in the upper left-hand side of the page can be used to search Patent Defenses for a keyword or phrase. For example, search “double patenting,” “exhaustion,” or “Princo” (or other case name), and then click on the section(s) of interest in the search results.
  2. Browse topics of interest. Patent Defenses is organized into easy-to-navigate sections found in the left-hand column of the page. Simply select a category on the left-hand column to learn more about that subject. For example, information about “direct” and “indirect” infringement can be found by expanding the “Non-Infringement” section.
  3. Explore “Recent Case Highlights.” Short summaries of selected recent patent decisions can be found by selecting “Recent Case Highlights” in the left-hand column. These decisions are also referenced elsewhere in Patent Defenses.

Patent Defenses is a research tool maintained by Klarquist since 2004. Visit to learn more about us.

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